
Our wedding will be held in Tyringham, Massachussetts, on the grounds of "Santarella" - the estate of Henry Kitson.


Tyringham, on a Massachusetts map Tyringham is in western Massachusetts, just south of Lee. It's easily accessible by taking Massachusetts Turnpike (Route 90) Exit 2.

Distance from...

  • Albany, NY: 45 mi (50 min)
  • Boston, MA: 126 mi (2 hrs)
  • Manchester, NH: 159 mi (2 hrs, 40 min)
  • Worcester, MA: 89 mi (90 min)


Sir Henry Hudson Kitson, a renowned sculptor perhaps best known in New England for his statue of the Lexington Minuteman and The Pilgrim Maiden, made Tyringham his home in 1920.

Kitson spent the remainder of his life converting his property, "Santarella", into a unique artistic statement. A large barn on the property became subject of an extraordinary transformation into a workshop/studio, featuring concrete and stone walls, stained glass windows, and an 80-ton roof made from hand-cut asphalt shingle. The grounds behind the overhauled barn - redubbed the "Gingerbread House" - were landscaped, with winding paths and a koi pond encircled by an open lawn.

After Kitson's death, the property first became a gallery, then a museum. After Santarella's sale to its current owners, the grounds and buildings have been extensively restored, and on October 4, these grounds will host our wedding.

For photos of the grounds and hall, and a more detailed history, you can visit Santarella's website